brain fart
My eyelids choke out the last rays of light beaming into my soul’s window. My fingertips creak over the blank page. Each noise paralyzes me a few seconds. I listen. For the water to drop drop drop. For the insomniac wrestling with the bed sheets. Watch for words lingering. in air. My yesterday, today, and tomorrow fall to whispers. My hands stretch into a familiar, comfortable place. My fingertips run for their freedom. My freedom.
© Miss Brandy
The Interrupted Artist Speaks displays EXCERPTS of the poetry, works of art or stories I have written. All of these works are original and inspired by God and the creativity within me. If you see phrases that fade off like this….. this means a part of the poem was deleted. Some people take pride in stealing other peoples works and claiming it as their own. For this reason, I won’t publish the entire work. I have a copyright for all excerpts and poems – so if you are one of those people that steals others words– just know that if you use my work, you will not get away. God has given us all enough creativity so that we don’t have to steal others.
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