Memoir of a Writer Interrupted

A sheltered reclusive that metamorphosized into an intelligent, talented, purposed light that shines on people standing unmoved on life's overanalytical ball of energy that forgets intelligence, talent and purpose after putting my flaws under a micrscope and watching everyone but myself.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Cornered in the Creative

GOD grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change,
the courage to change the one I can,
and the wisdom to know that it is me.
-- Anonymous

The Interrupted Artist Speaks:

Before light kissed the sky
and left its rays drooling down her bottom lip,
my fingers walked past the bright fuscias,
deep periwinkles,
ash fabric.......
and fondled the faded absence
of color losing more of itself
in the spin
I cycle
I re-cycle
to erase stray hair, dirty fingerprints
and the reason I charged $50 on my Express card.....
The fade against my skin
brings out the muted fear
bitter opinions of the
playing on repeat in
my head
I shed
the restless night
and put on the darkness
I stand in the mirror
deny the washed out image
her place in my closet
and admire my funk
I decided to wear today
© Miss Brandy

The Interrupted Artist Speaks displays EXCERPTS of the poetry, works of art or stories I have written. All of these works are original and inspired by God and the creativity within me. If you see phrases that fade off like this….. this means a part of the poem was deleted. Some people take pride in stealing other peoples works and claiming it as their own. For this reason, I won’t publish the entire work. I have a copyright for all excerpts and poems – so if you are one of those people that steals others words– just know that if you use my work, you will not get away. God has given us all enough creativity so that we don’t have to steal others.


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