Memoir of a Writer Interrupted

A sheltered reclusive that metamorphosized into an intelligent, talented, purposed light that shines on people standing unmoved on life's overanalytical ball of energy that forgets intelligence, talent and purpose after putting my flaws under a micrscope and watching everyone but myself.

Friday, March 03, 2006

My name is Brandy. I am a workaholic.

Bursts of laughter normally escape from me when I read the words “writing can be a lonely profession.” This month, I stopped laughing.

In February I unintentionally buried myself in ten big editing projects: a few books, book reviews, and the infamous university business journal I was swearing about two days ago. Because one of my goals this year is to save up enough money to live off of so that I can quit my day newspaper editing job and concentrate only on freelance writing, I was eager to complete every project I had on time. Turning in ten projects on time meant that I had to hibernate – literally. For weeks I did nothing but stare at my laptop and write or research from the time I got off work until I fell asleep at the computer. About 3 a.m. I would decide it was time to shut the computer down and get my four hours of sleep before showing up at the newspaper. Maybe I would eat dinner, maybe not. Weekends were my time to catch up on sleep and work on more freelance projects.

I haven’t seen or talked to too many people during this time. This wasn’t intentional either. I was just so focused on getting the projects done.

This month, let’s just say few people are happy with me. People close to me have demanded to know why I have not been in contact for more than a month (around the time the projects picked up). When I try to explain my 1:43 a.m. revelation [that I didn’t realize until it was too late that I overextended myself this time, and that although it is okay to take on 10 projects, agreeing to complete them all by the same day – March 10 – probably wasn’t the smartest thing], very few listen. The fact that for the first time in my life I could accurately be called a workaholic is no excuse for disconnecting myself from people.

I don’t know what to say to this. I agree I have done a really crappy job of keeping in contact with people since taking on more and more projects, but what comes after that? Writing is something I have to do by myself. I can’t talk on the phone and write for a project at the same time. I have to concentrate on the work itself – especially because people are paying me to do my best. Do I take less projects so that I have time to spend with others? I won’t have a dime to my name (whoever tells you newspapers pay well is telling you a bold face lie) but I will have time. Am I wrong to work so much and not call people like I use to? Am I really too busy to pick up the phone and have a 10 minute conversation? (I think I am but am I lying to myself?) Does this make me a horrible friend?

I don’t have answers for those questions. I just know that for me, right now, writing is a lonely profession. I am saddened. I don't know how to completely repair relationships that have suffered.

All I know is that I have to keep writing.


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